Some photographers are only Black & White Fine Art Photographers, while others are just Photographers (commercial, Art, Wildlife, Science....).
Why such a big defining division? Is it because B&W holds such nostalgic value? Can it be that people endure everyday life in color and it's a way to escape and live another world? I believe that it may just have to due with the way we perceive the lack of color, and force ourselves to look at an image in shades and tones. It just stops us, as if mesmerized by some Siren trying to lure us in to our death, instead we stop and think a moment. Sometimes this brings us to utilize our brain, other times we are fooled by pretensiuos artist with there camera in hand saying absoloutly nothing but bullion pours from their mouth into our eyes and waste our time.
Alright this maybe a bit too much but I've seen it, and it doesn't always come in B&W. There's nothing wrong with B&W, I still shoot it and love it. I'm just saying that a lawn chair sitting on grass, shoot in B&W title; "Untitled 4" or "Lawn Chair" isn't intelligent art, and waste my time.
There are plenty or good work that's in color and B&W. Not one of them is better, but using B&W to pass crappy shots as art is really trashy. On the same note, photoshop has this same default, but that's for another time.
B&W and color are equally good. Especially when color is used in a specific manner.
If you have any thought please let me know....
Words to live by:
Just because it's there today doesn't mean it'll be there tomorrow.